TAO - The Way of Feminine Wisdom.

A 10 piece collection in honour of the Divine Feminine. Original Paintings.

The mystery of life reveals its secrets. Birth, death and rebirth. Some might say it is a truth that has always run parallel to the collective consciousness like an undercurrent. A truth that is ever present, silently influencing our every move, every breath.

The story of the Soul told in its symbolic language, a language that is universal. When we lend our hearts and ears to the inner voice, we cannot help but be transformed, and as we are transformed, so is Her image within us.

In my creative work the Soul takes centre stage. Emerging from the unconscious ground in a new form, it shows us the way of what is to come, leading us to remember the natural process of life and inviting us to actively participate in it, or as C.G. Jung would call it, the individuation process.

“Because I AM what brings love to the world.”

A story, a sequence, a symbolic language.

Click on the image to expand.

For more information and to acquire a piece or the collection, please email me at bettypazart@gmail.com